August...received phone call about Precious, she has been at a Vet in Seattle, Washington for one month, she was brought in with a horrendous ear infection, so bad that pus and blood were caked down her neck and ears sealed shut..
Owners refuse to take responsibility for her, nor pay the bill...The vet cleared up her ears and was going to put her into the shelter, when a compassionate woman in Seattle heard of her plight and phoned me. I agreed to take Precious...
Aug 20, 2000..I pick up Precious, I take her outside and she collapses, I go back inside and have the vet check her, feels it is a problem with her legs and she is unadoptable and is going to keep her or perhaps worse, I looked at her sweet face and knew I could not leave her there, to die alone in a cage...
Aug 21, 2000..I take her to my vet, and tell him to run all tests and find out what is the matter, tests showed infection (but unknown source), malnutrition, eye infection, teeth in bad shape, lumps on her neck and down her shoulders..I am given antibiotics, and a concoction of MSM, glocosamine and protein mixture...
Aug 21-27, 2000..I have continued on this medication and have tried every kind of food I can think of to entice her to eat, the best I got is perhaps a tablespoon of food in her at any time...
Aug 27, 2000..I plead for help from any and all that will hear me, I received information back from a lady who deals in very sick dogs, she told me to get Precious on a very aggressive antibiotic and steroid regime...
Aug 28, 2000..I go to my vet 7:30 am and discuss this course of action, he agrees to try this is my last hope, as she will die, and I see in her eyes she doesn't want to, this medication is for 5 days, she will either make it or not...
Aug 31,2000..Precious went to the Bridge at 3:30 this afternoon, she had gotten much worse, she would not swallow food or drink anymore. She was uttering tiny cries of pain, and I knew she did not want this life anymore. I took her to the vet hoping I was wrong, her body was shutting down, she was ice cold. My hubby and myself held her in our arms and helped her to the bridge, I promised her she would not die alone...
I tried with all my heart, to give her life, but she was too sick and finally lost her will..
Thank all of you for caring, I received a lot of emotional support and good advice I thank each and everyone of you..
I hope the owners, well, I'll be nice and not say what I think about them.
I have 3 beautiful healthy dogs that really need my attention, as they got a bit neglected these last couple of weeks, they will be the ones who will help me with my grieve, and they will give me the strength to do this again, and I will be back on line as soon as I can stop crying...
Last but not least, I thank my hubby, who stood by me through this, and took me to the vet and stayed and cried as hard as me when we had to let her go.
(In Memory of Precious 1992 - Aug 31/00)
Thomas M. Mohr
Copyright 1992
Have we ever stopped to
Throughout our life long trip
Why we meet certain pets
Just once and then.............
Then they're gone as if in to Heaven
No more do they grace our door
Yet an inspiration lingers
It's there forevermore.
These pets were such blessings
They're here and then they're gone
They embraced our lives immensely
For short periods, not for long.
It hurts to see them gone
But there's beauty all the more
We shared a moment of glory
And the memories will long endure.
But the effect is forever
They've helped us on our way
Could they be our guiding angels
That God gave to us one day?
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updated 02/16/06
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