Sydney story ends, but I hope any who have read about my girl and her disease
have learned something, there was a reason she came to me.

In Memory of Sydney
I ask Tim to look after her, till we meet again.

? 1995- Oct.23/2005

Sydney passed quietly to the bridge in my arms at 2 pm Sunday, Oct. 23.  It was a very hard week on her, the toxins from her kidneys, filled her body, and she became so ill.  She had no appetite, throwing up, and she only walked around with her sad eyes looking at me for help. Her time had come, and she asked to be free.  I can not express my sorrow, my heart is torn into pieces.  We loved our baby girl.  A wonderful young lady, Hannah Spencer, had said that she was going to dedicate her time to help and bring awareness of Chronic and Acute Kidney failure, dedicated to a lil dog she had meet and fell in love with, 
Sunsets for Sydney
A very wonderful name for a dog with a beautiful red coat, that looked like the Sunset.  Sydney was one of the most wonderful lil girls that God had created.


They say memories are golden
well maybe that is true
I never wanted memories,
I only wanted you.

A million times I needed you,
a million times I cried.
If love alone could have saved you
you never would have died.

In life I loved you dearly,
In death I love you still.
In my heart you hold a place
no one could ever fill.

If tears could build a stairway
and heartache make a lane,
I'd walk the path to heaven
and bring you back again.

Our family chain is broken,
and nothing seems the same.
But as God calls us one by one,
the chain will link again.

--- Anonymous ---


" All dogs come into our life for a reason"

Sydney is a beautiful Lhasa girl, she embodies all
 the qualities that embraces me to this breed.  Her intelligence, her clown like playing, gay and assertive nature and steadfast loyalty . 

Sydney came into my rescue Oct. 12/03, after living only two weeks with a lady who became too ill to care for her.  Prior to this, Sydney was a breeding bitch, spent her life in a kennel.  My husband and I repeated, whoever adopts this lil girl, will be so fortunate.  After a week of spending time with her, she went to the vet for spaying and dental.  In this short time, I did notice her unusual thirst and urination.

Oct. 22/03
My vet called, it was one of the saddest days I have experienced.  Sydney has Chronic Kidney Failure, her readings were off the charts,he could not believe the readings as he looked at this upbeat lil girl. There is nothing I can do to repair the damage to her kidney.  The damage is too far advanced, she may have a week, she may have a few months.  My mind reeled, the tears flowed, what should I do, let her cross the bridge or? My husband answered the question, our home is her home now, this angel will be loved, and nurtured till God must take her.  She will get anything she wants, she will be our baby, for the short time she has left, as we know there may not be anyone out there, who would take her, knowing the time is short.

I cannot help Sydney to have a longer life, her kidney failure has been going on for a very long time, but if just one of you reads this, and you notice your furbaby drinking more than usual, urinating more, or indiscriminately , do not assume she/he is being naughty,
TAKE THEM TO THE can save their life, with proper diet and medication, they can live many more years, it is too late for Sydney it does not have to be too late for your dog.

Sydney will be loved and adored, she plays with Carina, tells off Miko, Sugi and Kobi..she will add a lot of spirit to my home, and when she leaves us, our hearts will be ripped out. She is here for a reason, and maybe that reason is someone will read this, and your dog will have a longer life.


For more information on 
Chronic or Acute
Kidney Failure

Oct. 30/03

Sydney continues to be a joy, and I am going to fight to give her more time, anyone who knows me, knows I won't just sit back and be told she is going to die..I know her time will be shorten, but lets see if the power of prayer, as my good friend Odean sent Sydney this prayer:

Franciscan Blessing of the Animals

 Blessed are you, Lord God,
maker of all living creatures.
You inspired St Francis to call all animals
his brothers and sisters.
We ask you to bless this animal, Sydney.
By the power of your love
enable her to live according to your plan.
May we always praise you
for all your beauty in creation.
Blessed are you, Lord our God,
in all your creatures!


 and alternative medicines can give her more time, I have her on "Canine Renal Support" supplement, and 10 mg aspirin (to help the inflammation of her kidneys) and in one month, I will retest her, if her values are the same (and pray not higher), she will go in for dental, as her incredible bad teeth, cause added stress on the kidneys...keep her in your prayers, maybe God will allow her more quality time to play with her new sister.....

Nov. 14/03
Sydney had her values retested, they had stayed the same,my vet put her on IV fluids and proceeded with dental, decided also, that spaying her was also to her benefit, because when she goes into heat, it can/will make her anemic.  So I held my breath, and the procedures were done, she has come through all of the surgeries, wonderfully, and also happy she was spayed, she had many cysts on her ovaries, which would have been causing her pain.  After one day, Sydney acts happy and each day is a blessing, and we all pray we have many days ahead of us, I was quoted she probably has months ahead, keep your paws crossed she has longer...we want our baby girl with us for a long time, maybe God will listen, and give her time to finally have happiness.

Dec. 25/03

Mom tried to wake me up, for my Christmas picture, but I was tried, too many toys and treats.  I am doing really good, I am still not showing signs of being sick (oh yes the peeing) Mom has me on a different herbal concoction "Liu Wei Di Huang Wan" (well Mom can't pronounce it either) my nice vet said they liked this one, and felt good success with whatever I need, I get, I am also on potassium binder, as my tests showed I needed this...
I have gained 1.5 lbs since living here, and Mom wants me chubby, cause whenever I get sick I will need all the extra padding, but I am actually perfect weight at 16 lbs...but she always gives me little extra stuff.  I had a really good Christmas, got to met my Grandmother, my parents God I like kids, they were fun, my two legged brother and his wife...all doting on me, making me feel so I cuddled by everyone...watching them have fun, and I liked Grandma, she kept sneaking Turkey to me:-) heck she sneaked turkey to everyone, even when my Mom, said watch it, too much will make us all sick...

April 12/04

Everyone has wanted to know how I am doing, well I am still taking my herbal medication "Rehmann Formula Six" aspirin and aluminum hydroxide gel, and I am doing great...I am happy, playful, never been sick, still peeing, but other than that I am a Lhasa, full board, got these silly Shih Tzu brothers listening to me, playing with my great sister Carina, and ruling the roost...oh I had them fooled, my Mom and Dad, thought they had this very sweet Lhasa, and I am, but boy when one of those dumb boy dogs irritates me, the house knows, I am Lhasa, through and through...beautiful, and stand up...and everyone says I get the "ugly face" cause all Mom has to do is tap me on the nose, and say "Sydney ENOUGH" and I look at her and go "OK, Mom"

*Note Sydney is doing so well, she shows no sign of illness, except with the excessive peeing...she makes my vet shake his head...the power of herbal meds, love and her will power, again shows us, that never  say never...I have stopped worrying about tomorrow, and take each day with this precious little girl as a wonderment....and her paws are deeply embedded in our hearts....never give up....she has proven that she still may not be here for years...but she is here with us for now...and today is all that counts...


11 months have passed since Sydney arrived, and according to her test results, she is the same, but she is NOT the same, she is happy, outgoing, playful, her body has toned up, she eats well, she continues on daily renal herbs, potassium binder, aspirin..she has not been sick one day, she continues to drink and pee a lot...that is the only thing that is the same, she is amazing...she gets more beautiful each day...everyone shakes their head "how can this be" 
The answer is "love", she finally has that now, and she isn't ready to leave yet...and I am not ready to have her leave either, the Bridge can wait

March 21/05 

 ( 18 months later)...Sydney is still going strong, she has from occasion had an "off" day, but continues to run through the house in glee, always with a tail wag, and a stuffed toy to bring you.  She adores chewing on hoofs, loves to boss foster dogs, but only Lhasa, any Lhasa that enters our home, Sydney makes it clear, she is the Queen, she never makes this stance with any other breed, we do find it comically...since she does not instigate a fight, she just makes her voice loud and clear.  We have been blessed, I still know the road ahead is unpredictable, but for now, she is in our life.  I also do realize when she has quieter days, that Sydney was suppose to be 8 years old, when she came to us, so now she would be close to 10...but she sure doesn't act it for the most part.


Dogs Who Have Shared Our Lives
"They will not go quietly,
the dogs who've shared our lives.
In subtle ways they let us know
their spirit still survives.
Old habits still make us think
we hear a barking at the door.
Or step back when we drop
a tasty morsel on the floor.
Our feet still go around the place
the food dish used to be,
And, sometimes, coming home at night,
we miss them terribly.
And although time may bring new friends
and a new food dish to fill,
That one place in our hearts
belongs to them...
and always will."

"Sometimes it helps just to know someone cares...and I do."
Author Unknown


There are many reasons I went into rescue, not the least of which, is my love for animals and especially dogs.  Sometimes rescue can be so joyous, you wonder why it took you so long to start.  You meet a lot of people and a lot of very special dogs.  But sometimes it can be heartbreaking.  I have lost beloved fur babies after trying everything humanly possible to save them.  I have seen the worst of human behavior, and I have seen loving animals thrown away like so much trash.  And then, along comes a Sydney and a Tara.  

Sydney is a wonderful loving little girl who only wants to play and love and be loved.  There is just one problem, she is a very sick little girl, and I have already fallen in love.  Mind you, it doesn’t take me long to fall in love with any dog, but those like Sydney – those that look at you with those knowing eyes that see into your soul – those are the ones that take me quickly, and then I ask “why”?  “Why this little one or any other innocent should, be taken so young.  A friend of mine, who believes as I do, said to me when I got Sydney that there was a reason for everything, that Sydney had a purpose and so did I.  Already Sydney has touched many lives, and may save a few along her way.  She is here to show others what is necessary to keep you fur babies healthy, and she is here to show us unconditional love. And there is Tara, who is just beginning her life, and whose love for animals is already apparent. 

At 13, Tara has decided to live her life for animals.  She has a compassion unsurpassed by many adults.  A knowing that presses her to live her life in a way that works for the betterment of our companion animals.  She thinks about how living in this world effects animals and works to show others by example.  She is a good student whose goals are not only admirable but achievable, and I believe she will achieve all she sets out to do.  She wants to go to college, and start her own rescue someday, and her parents, what can I say about parents like Tara’s.  Obviously Tara’s parents have taught her well about compassion, love and right from wrong. They have taught her to study and work hard for what she wants…

…even though I have never met you, you inspire me because of you I set goals evolving around animals. When I get through college and get a house of my own I would love to start a rescue group…or be an animal foster parent or even better, own acreage and have an animal sanctuary with bigger animals like horses, llamas, goats, etc…”

  “I check on her on your website every day. This is going to sound weird because I don’t even know her but it’s like she has been my dog… I go on and read her story every day and burst into tears but then I stop knowing she will live out her life happy with you and the rest of your household.

Everywhere I go I carry a picture of her with the dog background on her
page and the words “Sydney” and then the quote “All dogs come into our
life for a reason”. Her story touches me.

And your story touches me Tara.  Thank you for your support and for reminding me of something I have always believed    “Everything does happen for a reason”

Shortly after Christmas, Sydney and Tara got a wish, they came to meet each other, Tara and her family are exactly as I knew they would be, Tara is a very extraordinary girl, all of the dogs loved her so much, even the fosters that I was concerned about, all wanted to crawl into her arms, Tara is a "gift" to our four legged friends, and her parents were even more wonderful than I imagined....



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